How to Treat Diabetes with Herbal Remedy

How to Treat Diabetes
You surely already know the name Diabetic right?

Sugar or disease is called Diabetes is a condition of serious bodily health problems that occur due to the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood caused by the body is not able to describe the substance of glucose properly. In blood glucose levels that are too high can lead to very serious health problems.

There are two types of this disease: Type 1 and Type 2. The conditions they are different because they come from because of different things, both the type of serious and should be handled and managed properly.

Sugar disease, or often called Diabetes is described as a condition in which the state of the body is not able to break down carbohydrates because the pancreas makes too little insulin, or the insulin that is produced may also be ineffective, or even a combination of the two.

Insulin is a hormone component while the body is used to break down glucose (sugar) from the digestion of carbohydrates in the food, and then distributed to the body's cells for use as energy. When insulin levels are less or not effective, the glucose accumulates in the blood.

Because insulin is a link to the cells of the body. Distribution so that glucose can enter it will be used as fuel for our energy into work, play and live our life activities.

If the body does not exist hormone insulin, as well as in type 1 diabetes, there is no distributor for connecting glucose so that it will remain in the blood.

When not enough insulin, the cell door opened only partially, or when there is plenty of insulin but it does not work properly (can be referred to as insulin resistance), a type 2 diabetes.
How to Manage Diabetic With Good?

Until now no diabetes can not be cured because of the unavailability of herb medicine to restore the function of the pancreas gland or drugs that can increase the sensitivity of cells in the body. Until now, drugs are provided only limited supply of insulin alone, while the base illness can not be repaired. Efforts made so far only to control blood sugar levels with non-Sulin medication or insulin. Originally blood sugar can be controlled well, it has been very positive for the health and can prevent more serious complications.

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