How to Eliminate Acne Misbehaving with ingredients This..

Who would not be upset if you have acne prone skin?  
Skin problem that one often makes us insecure.
Acne or acne vulgaris in medical terms, is basically a lump arising from pore blockage or inflammation of the skin accompanied by pus or blood.
Many factors can trigger acne include bacterial infection P. acne, oily skin, hormonal imbalance, unhealthy eating patterns and so forth.How to get rid of acne naturally
Many ways people do to get rid of acne. Ranging from facials at the salon or clinic to buy the leading beauty products acne removal.
For those of you who want to deal with acne at a low cost, try using natural ingredients that have been proven to cure acne, although the effect was not as fast as anti-acne products on the market.
Here are some ways to remove acne with natural ingredients:1. Avocado and Honey Mask
how to get rid of acne with avocado mask
Avocado and honey is one of the best combination to cure acne. Honey, a natural ingredient known since the first has many benefits for the skin because it contains hydrogen peroxide which is antibacterial.
While avocados are rich in vitamin E, which can penetrate the pores - pores of the skin and reduce inflammation of the skin.

Take the avocado flesh and place in container
Puree the flesh of an avocado
Add one tablespoon of honey and mix well
Also add the lemon juice (optional)
Apply the mask on the face with acne for 15-20 minutes
Rinse with warm water
2. Baking Soda
Baking soda can neutralize the acidity of the skin making acne-causing bacteria are not able to live long in your face. Not only kill bacteria, baking soda can also scrape the dead skin cells and cleans pores - clogged pores and absorb excess oil.

Make a paste of baking soda by mixing 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon water, then apply to the area of ​​skin with acne
Leave on the face for about 15 minutes then rinse with warm water and dry
It should be noted, before using a paste of baking soda you should first check the reaction on your skin. Apply a small amount of pasta in some areas of the face. If it does not appear reddish skin reactions, then the user can proceed.3. Lemon
how to remove acne
L-ascorbic acid contained in lemons can reduce inflammation in acne skin problems and cleanse pores - facial pores are clogged. Lemon is also well known as a skin lightening and stain remover on the face.

Prepare a lemon
Press a little lemon, cut in half, then squeeze
Apply on your face
Leave for 15 minutes then rinse with cold water and pat dry with a towel
Perform this treatment regularly once a day to cure acne
4. Toothpaste
Fluoride, Triclosan, hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in some toothpastes to prevent skin irritation, dry up acne and reduce inflammation in the face. How to use toothpaste as an acne medicine is also very easy.

Apply toothpaste directly on the pimples and avoid applying toothpaste to all areas of the skin
Let stand for about 2 hours or overnight
Rinse your face with cold water and pat dry
Should avoid the use of toothpaste on sensitive skin. Choose a toothpaste with fluoride content is lower. If possible, use organic toothpaste.

5. Cucumberhow to get rid of acne with cucumberImage of
We do not realize that cucumbers have tremendous benefits for the skin. Cucumbers are rich in antioxidants, minerals, amino acids and vitamin C which is believed to remove toxins from the body, cleanse and moisturize the skin acne.

Thin slices of cucumber and then apply a thin pimpled face and let stand for about 15 minutes
Rinse face with warm water
For maximum results, drink the cucumber juice mixed with lime juice. Cucumber juice can cleanse the body and remove toxins from within.

6. Tea Tree Oil (Tea Tree Oil)
Tea tree oil or tea tree oil is a common ingredient found in products - anti-acne products. Tea tree oil is an oil plant leaves malaeuca coming from Australia. Terpenoids substances in tea tree oil can repel the bacteria that cause acne so it can be used to treat acne.

Mix 5 ml of tea tree oil with 95 ml of water
Apply on areas of the skin with acne with cotton
Do it 2-3 times a day
Tea tree oil can cause allergies in porters

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